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First Foods & Infant Nutrition

My First Foods & Infant Nutrition course is the perfect way to prepare for your little ones weaning journey or supercharge their current diet.

My approach to Nutrition

My approach to nutrition is focussed on nutrient density, & how we can optimally nourish your little ones to ensure they thrive, paying particular attention to babies gut health & the development of a strong, healthy immune system.

The food we are weaned on can dramatically impact our long-term health, ensuring optimum nutrition from weaning & throughout infancy is key & can reduce the instance of allergies, skin conditions & even some diseases in the future. I also cover the basics of weaning including baby led & traditional weaning practices.

Who is this course for?

The workshop is aimed at those who have recently started or are due to start their weaning journey soon but is suitable for anyone with young children who wants to learn more about how to optimally nourish their little ones.

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